Dry Eye Disease

Acadiana's Only Dry Eye Disease Therapy Clinic


Dry eye occurs when the eyes aren’t sufficiently moisturized, leading to pain, redness and irritation from dry areas on the surface of the eye.

What is Dry Eye Disease?

Tears are necessary for overall eye health. The eyes may become dry because the tear glands don’t produce enough tears, or because the tears themselves have a chemical imbalance.

Dry Eye Disease can also be caused by aging, inflammation, hormones, certain diseases and medications, dehydration, and a history of laser eye surgery. The most common form of Dry Eye Disease can also be caused by aging, inflammation, hormones, certain diseases and medications, dehydration, and a history of laser eye surgery. The most common form of ocular surface disease is called evaporative dry eye, which is due to a deficiency in the lipid portion of the tear film.

Symptoms include:

  • Pain
  • Redness
  • Irritation
  • Fluctuating Vision
  • Gritty Sensation

Dry Eye Evaluation & Management in Lafayette, LA

We proudly offer a comprehensive range of the most advanced eye care treatments available. Our latest addition to this selection of procedures is the revolutionary Mibo Thermoflo treatment for blepharitis and dry eye disease.

This system can provide invaluable relief to those who suffer from these irritating and often painful conditions. We now know that excellence in managing ocular surface disease is essential to achieve maximum visual results after surgery, to reduce irritation and redness associated with this condition, and to give patients the best quality of vision every day. We have a wide variety of treatment options and look forward to helping you achieve maximum results for your life.

What treatment options are out there?

There are many treatment options available to treat the often debilitating symptoms of dry eye disease.  Previously, patients were often advised to ‘throw some artificial tears and warm compresses on your eyes.’  These days, there are many novel treatment options available, from nutritional supplements, medications, thermal pulsation, lasers, punctal plugs, and of course higher quality lubricants.

We Are Pleased To Offer Oasis Tears!

Oasis TEARS, Oasis TEARS PLUS, and Oasis TEARS PF are uniquely formulated to give your eyes instant relief and long-lasting comfort. With every blink, the preservative-free formulation protects and moistens the surface of your eyes.